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Plant2Plates offers delicious organic plant-based meals that make healthy living easy and convenient. We use only the freshest ingredients without oils or added sugars.

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Great taste and complexity of flavors, textures, and cooking efforts expected from high end restaurants.  Cooked in stainless steel pots using organic ingredients 


Without What?

Our plant-based meals are prepared in small batches without the addition of sugar, oil, preservatives, fillers, natural or artificial flavors, sweeteners, or emulsifiers. Dates and bananas are used as sweeteners in certain foods.


Our Approach

No subscription plans or commitment. For your convenience, vacuum packed fresh ready-to-eat that can also be frozen and stored in the freezer for up to three months.


My cancer diagnosis in 2015 marked the start of our adventure. That motivated us to make a change to extend my life because of my family's history of high cholesterol, cardiac problems, and my husband's family history of diabetes. We decided to adopt a whole foods, plant-based lifestyle after experimenting with several diets, and as a result, I am in remission, able to avoid statins, and my husband is able to maintain a healthy A1C.



It became quite evident that even plant-based dining establishments and meal delivery services didn't live up to our expectations in terms of both nutrition and flavor. As a result, we made the decision to design our own menu so that others may enjoy wonderful meals without having to prepare it themselves.



We are grateful for our increased energy and happiness, and hope our food can do the same for you. Regardless of any existing health issues, a clean and balanced plant-based diet can provide benefits for everyone.

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Raw Vegetables

©2021 Plant2Plates, Inc.

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